1.39+ bis 1.41.13 hat geschrieben:V RF.01.41.13.Mod alpha (2018-03-28)
- We can now skip the rest of the M3912 startline by pressing play while printing the start line. (Might save some tiny amounts of plastic from time to time.)
- the eeproms max feedrates are dropped and overwritten if they are bigger than configuration max values.
- the eeproms homing feedrates are dropped and overwritten if they are higher than configuration max values.
- extruder steps/mm are corrected to default if they are set > 5540steps/mm
- if we press the 3 keys "Back", "OK" and "Play" while boot time the eeprom values are reset to defaults before being loaded.
- some reordering in boot time configuration to prevent to early use of things.
- compiling without SDSUPPORT is possible again. (~+1kb ram frei -> ~+8 MOVE_CACHE möglich)
V RF.01.41.12.Mod alpha (2018-03-26)
- cleaned up the thermistor functions
- depreached the use of int16_t targetTemperature and crushed void TemperatureController::setTargetTemperature(float target, float offset) to very few lines.
- added PT100 support on temperature sensor number 53 again. (This PT100 sensor board is sensortype no. 13 in original repetier but conrad dropped their V3 hotends sensor to this number.)
- inserted MAX_ROOM_TEMPERATURE as the default low constraint in some locations where a temperature has to wait for the target temperature.
- heater off now means targetTemperature=0 (not <15 or whatever in some locations).
- added sensortype 0 as 25°C dummy (like repetier did)
V RF.01.41.11.Mod alpha (2018-03-16)
- added a microsteps reset to the function that resets the configuration to defaults (Werksreset)
- fixed that EEPROM::initializeAllOperatingModes() did not update checksum. (Had been forgotten when using M502 and UI_ACTION_RESTORE_DEFAULTS )
- fixed EEPROM::updatePrinterUsage() to 1.39 version when not using FEATURE_MILLING_MODE
- cleaned up all the double coded code for "#else //FEATURE_MILLING_MODE" to one version.
V RF.01.41.10.Mod alpha (2018-03-16)
- tweaks and fixes for the case that M190 / M109 is running(/waiting for temperature) and meanwhile the user changes temperatures using Menu->Extruder-> at the printers display.
V RF.01.41.09.Mod alpha (2018-03-15)
- making the Z-Offset-Scan faster.
- small fix for M3913 / M3914 abort.
- implemented digit homing for M3913 / M3914
V RF.01.41.08.Mod alpha (2018-03-15)
- abort M3913 / M3914 (when moving) by ok-Button and back-Button
- commented all g_uStartOfIdle to find bugs -> adjusted some idle-times for better usability
- some more tweaks around checks if zCMP is blocked
- removed matrix-version check within calculateZScrewCorrection. the reason for this was an overflow we already corrected months ago.
- checked all uid.lock / unlocks
- cleaned up uid. object references within the UIDisplay itself. (but it didn't change rom size)
V RF.01.41.07.Mod alpha (2018-03-14)
- MoveZ now releases Z correctly. Printer::stepperDirection[Z_AXIS] = 0; (It was possible that the printer hung with the wrong combination of moveZ directions + waitUntilEndOfAllMoves)
- Stability: Commands::waitUntilEndOfAllMoves() now checks if zCMP is blocked by stepper direction and ignores wait in that case.
- cleanup of HomeY und HomeX
- The rule that the bed tunes down by zCMP if homed and matrix>0 is bad if you want to scan anything. -> REMOVED!
- Preheat PLA/ABS does not block status line in display anymore.
V RF.01.41.06.Mod alpha (2018-03-13)
- more testing on serial -> Fletcher error correction really seems to work flawless.
- re-/implemented some debugging gode for serial errors
- fixed formats in GCode::printCommand()
- fixed sending Com::tWrongChecksum when using parseBinary (I once forgot newline)
- we temporarily set Z_ENDSTOP_MAX_HYSTERESIS 0.5f for mhiers tests
V RF.01.41.05.Mod alpha (2018-03-12)
- corrected unit calculation in void Printer::MemoryPosition()
- rise of LOW_TICKS_PER_MOVE to 500k (It might not have a big effect but maybe on some parts)
- removed some old TODOs on which I am now absolut sure how to handle them.
- dont show "setTemperatureForExtruder(): cant set Temp for Extr." when it is set to 0°C.
- switched MOVE_CACHE back to 17 for testing reasons.
- update void Printer::MemoryPosition() close towards repetier
- fix missing PSTR ->
https://github.com/repetier/Repetier-Fi ... issues/763
- deleted UI_ANIMATION and some unused functions
V RF.01.41.04.Mod alpha (2018-03-12)
- added FEATURE_DEBUG_MOVE_CACHE_TIMING to debug movecache fill while printing.
if you want to adjust LOW_TICKS_PER_MOVE to default: M3993 P300000 (LOW_TICKS_PER_MOVE is 300000)
if you want to read and drop statistics: M3993
V RF.01.41.03.Mod alpha (2018-03-10)
- some tiny tweaks
- cleanup of homeZ for better reading. Inserted a lot of casts.
- removed some functions which are not needed anymore because their purpose already got removed.
V RF.01.41.02.Mod alpha (2018-03-10)
This is the "intelligent filament load update"
- new M3913 P[digits] which mounts/extrudes filament until Pxxxx digits are reached then stops.
- new M3914 P[digits] which unmounts the extruder by slowly heating and checking force. It is/was quite hard to test out good settings for unmount. This might be updated in future, but I like it.
- inserted M3913 and M3914 into MOUNT_FILAMENT_SCRIPT_... and UNMOUNT_FILAMENT_SCRIPT_... to vastly improve "Menu->Extruder->(Un)Load Filament"
- compressed functions for MOUNT_FILAMENT_SCRIPT_WITH_HEATING and MOUNT_FILAMENT_SCRIPT_WITHOUT_HEATING functions to one, because they where quite identical.
V RF.01.41.01.Mod alpha (2018-03-10)
- output object speeds are now limited to normal homing speeds. OctaStepping made that too fast. Thx@ AtlonXP
- MOUNT and UNMOUNT Scripts got an extra G92 E0 to in some cases prevent undo afterwards. Thx@ easygo25
- sync of UNMOUNT_FILAMENT_SCRIPTs and MOUNT_FILAMENT_SCRIPTs for both devices (RF2000/RF1000)
V RF.01.41.00.Mod alpha (2018-03-09)
- deleted M3002 and M3003 because they are not needed anymore. (We use M3007 and M3008 for this functionality. Not using M3007/M3008 it is even better because this mod has an automatic mode for placing those two values right
- deleted M3100 because we have a smart menu point (Menu->Position->Z-Step: XXX um) for that and this functionality is only used in menu.
- deleted M3101 because there is no real need for this adjustment. Normal extrusion is not "directsteps over button"
- deleted M3102 because we have M3105 to configure Pause-Position in [mm]
- made the automatic startline a bit shorter when having dual hotend (i always forget to change x-axis-length when testswitching)
- the automatic startline only shifts in y when having a dual hotend, not on single anymore.
- added menu for changing Micro Steps:
XY is unlocked for 16,32,64 Microsteps
Z is unlocked for 16,32 Microsteps
E is unlocked for 16,32,64,128 Microsteps.
(High Microsteps are only usefull if you have low steps/mm. Otherwise you just get a slow printer. My testprint worked fine on E=64, Z=32, XY=64.
Using 128+ Microsteps on XY sounds horrible and is slower than 128=65mm/s or 256=32mm/s -> not a good choice!
I think E shouldnt have more Steps/mm than ~1200 max. that corresponds to a speed < 25mm/s for retracts.)
- changed some minor details to unhook RF_MICRO_STEPS from (some) places of use without inheritance.
- Z_OVERRIDE_MAX is now Printer::ZOverrideMax.
- reduced automatic startline spacing (for multiple lines) to 1.5mm instead of 2.0mm.
- removed and replaced some configuration with STEPS inside, because they are not good for configurable Micro_Steps and bad for EEPROM-configurable steps/mm. This totally cleaned up HBS-Scan configuration.
- removed static XAXIS_STEPS_PER_MM, YAXIS_STEPS_PER_MM, ZAXIS_STEPS_PER_MM from places which are no pre-initialisers.
- removed some configuration lines which had no effect anywhere
- disabled FEATURE_VISCOSITY_TEST by default to save rom space.
- included mhiers push
https://github.com/Nibbels/Repetier-Fir ... e9309ab808 of changing WORK_PART_SCAN_X_STEP_SIZE_MIN_MM 5 (etc.) into Nibbels branch too.
- g_nManualSteps[E_AXIS] and g_nPauseSteps[E_AXIS] are now updated according to active steps/mm when choosing an extruder. Extruder Button speed should now stay the same when changing steps/mm.
- investigating g_nManualSteps[E_AXIS] and PrintLine::performDirectSteps();
1) i found a second reason for the E_Axis to have a time lag using PrintLine::performDirectSteps() -> Hal.cpp OCR1A = too high at the end of the function.
2) i found a third reason for the E_Axis to have a time lag using 128 Microsteps / 0.9° Stepper = 2560Steps/s: Advance might just fill up working too slow. -> Stay beneath 1280 Steps/mm
- fixed RF2000 optional temperature sensor. We removed Temptable 15 and renamed it to 14. I forgot to change this default Tempsensor as well. (See V RF.01.38.Mod (2017-12-28))