RF1000 Which doesn't want to print properly

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Re: RF1000 Which doesn't want to print properly

Beitrag von rf1k_mjh11 »

Hi uffy,
uffy hat geschrieben:AND I can not getfrinting from the SD card to function, only USB
I believe the Community version of the firmware has an issue with SD support. I am not sure if they ever fixed that yet.

Which firmware version are you using?

If you are using the Community version and need to have SD support, you may need to use some type of Octiprint/Raspberry combination - OR - you switch to the official Conrad firmware version (the latest version is RF.01.47).

Nothing from above will fix your retract problem, however. I can't think of anything, off-hand, that could be wrong with retract not working.

One thing to try:
  • With or without filament in the printer
  • start Repetier-Host
  • connect to printer
  • heat extruder to 130° and wait until the temperature is reached
  • in Repetier-Host, in the 'Manual Control' tab, enter ....
    G1 E-30 F6000       ; (make sure you use a NEGATIVE number after the 'E' )
  • .... in the box labelled 'G-Code:' and click on the 'Send'-button
  • you should see and hear the extruder motor move
Please report if this works.

Vaccine for all! COVID-19 for no one!

RF1000 (seit 2014) mit:
  Pico Hot End (mit eigenem Bauteil- und Hot End Lüfter)
  Ceran Bett
  FW RF.01.47 (von Conrad, modif.)

Die Natur kontert immer sofort mit einem besseren Idioten.
Prof. Dr. des 3D-Drucks
Prof. Dr. des 3D-Drucks
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Registriert: Fr 11. Sep 2015, 11:37
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Re: RF1000 Which doesn't want to print properly

Beitrag von mhier »

rf1k_mjh11 hat geschrieben:I believe the Community version of the firmware has an issue with SD support. I am not sure if they ever fixed that yet.
Yes it is fixed, but AFAIK only in the development branch (which is safe to use, there is no ongoing development for a long time now).

Nothing from above will fix your retract problem, however. I can't think of anything, off-hand, that could be wrong with retract not working.
Indeed, this sounds really strange.
One thing to try
Be careful with manual gcode commands. Coordinates are usually absolute, so it is unclear at which E coordinate your printer currently is when you issue such command, so you don't know what will happen. If it is by chance at E=-30, nothing happens. If you issue this command after a print job, it will rotate the motor for a very long time ("unwinding" all the extrusion of the print job). Actually, I am not sure if the latter would really happen. The Klipper firmware has a protection against this and will refuse any extrusion longer than a certain amount. Not sure, if Repetier has a similar feature...

So I recommend to issue the following command before attempting rf1k_mjh11's suggestion:

Code: Alles auswählen

G92 E0
This will set the current extruder coordinate to 0. If you then send the

Code: Alles auswählen

G0 E-30 F6000
command, it should retract 30mm of filament.
Gruß, Martin

Klipper Firmware für den RFx000: Klipper für RFx000 | Original-Dokumentation | Diskussion | Wiki mit Installations-Anleitung

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Re: RF1000 Which doesn't want to print properly

Beitrag von rf1k_mjh11 »

Hi uffy,

mhier's statement is correct.
mhier hat geschrieben:If you issue this command after a print job, it will rotate the motor for a very long time ("unwinding" all the extrusion of the print job).
You should always keep that in mind.
This is also why you should always follow instructions TO THE LETTER!

My instructions said to start Repetier-Host, then to connect to the printer. Connecting to the printer resets the printer, effectively clearing any existing 'E'-values. So, if you follow my instructions as written, there is no danger of an unwanted, nearly 'infinite' amount of motor rotation.

The command, BTW, rotates the motor approx. 3 revolutions counterclockwise.

mhier hat geschrieben:The Klipper firmware has a protection against this and will refuse any extrusion longer than a certain amount. Not sure, if Repetier has a similar feature...
The firmware does have some protection included. The Configuration.h file includes the line
This is preceded by a nice description very similar to yours:
/** \brief Prevent extrusions longer then x mm for one command. This is especially important if you abort a print. Then the extrusion position might be at any value like 23344. If you then have an G1 E-2 it will roll back 23 meter! */
Despite showing only a positive number, this seems to protect against is a huge negative number also (to retract the filament). Personally, I think there's no real harm done If you do that. AND this would be nice to have for bowden drives, to completely remove the filament.

Some of the concern may no longer apply (the concern of having huge E-values). Slic3r (and prusa slicer) both regularly reset the E-value to keep the number low. The reset occurs mostly at a retract (don't know what happens in 'vase' mode).

May summer come & COVID-19 leave,

RF1000 (seit 2014) mit:
  Pico Hot End (mit eigenem Bauteil- und Hot End Lüfter)
  Ceran Bett
  FW RF.01.47 (von Conrad, modif.)

Die Natur kontert immer sofort mit einem besseren Idioten.
Prof. Dr. des 3D-Drucks
Prof. Dr. des 3D-Drucks
Beiträge: 1672
Registriert: Fr 11. Sep 2015, 11:37
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Re: RF1000 Which doesn't want to print properly

Beitrag von mhier »

rf1k_mjh11 hat geschrieben:Connecting to the printer resets the printer,
True, I forgot about this point (Klipper + Octoprint behaves different...) :-)

Personally, I think there's no real harm done If you do that. AND this would be nice to have for bowden drives, to completely remove the filament.
It's more of an annoyance, I agree. Still, the firmware has this protection in, so one needs to keep this in mind, especially when issuing commands manually and then wondering why nothing happens ;-) Klipper is at least so nice to give a clear error message then, I could imagine Repetier is less verbose...
Gruß, Martin

Klipper Firmware für den RFx000: Klipper für RFx000 | Original-Dokumentation | Diskussion | Wiki mit Installations-Anleitung

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